Friday, January 20, 2023

A Few Words About Casey


Hi everybody, it’s me Blood Meridian! Some of you might be familiar with me from some other online SNL venues, but I’m here on this occasion to write a few very special words about the one and only Casey Killingsworth in celebration of his blog’s incredible 10th anniversary. So, bear with me for a few minutes as I take a trip down memory lane with all of you here. 

There are casual fans, there are hardcore, and there are SNL reviewers, and there’s Casey Killingsworth, in a class in his own. Talking or writing about Casey is always difficult for me, because, where to even begin? There are to me simply no words enough to describe what that name means to me as both a person and most importantly as a young, reviewer & fan of the show. To put simply, without Casey and his blog, I wouldn’t BE even here typing these words that I’m in the process of doing as of now. Casey made me feel there are others who share my obsession, that there others who would share their thoughts without both a filter of fake praise nor a cynical attitude. Considering that I never delved too deep onto the many message boards that used to exist when I started to get into SNL, as the mid 2010s were in process. Casey’s reviews, especially since I started reading along with season 41 of the show, were always a major highlight of my enjoyment of an episode; always so evenhanded, balanced, and wholly uninterested in trying to stir drama or be there for clout or attention; even when I disagree at times with a take, I agree. Casey didn’t need to make them like that, this is his own personal blog at the end, but did so out of both respect for the show AND for his readers. And, as a reviewer of the show myself, I always try my best to be like that. 

Also, without Casey’s example of always being the adult in the room in both his reviews of the show and conduct, I wouldn’t have been here myself talking about him. In particular that at times emotions take away the best of us and we lose our composure for a moment and might do or say things we never meant that would hurt others (I certainly have in the past). Also, ever since I became a reviewer of the show with last season, to receive not only positive reception from Casey and many others in the community meant the world to me, and, to know that Casey, whom I looked up to in the past and still to this day would enjoy them makes me feel both eternally grateful & incredibly proud. So, to you Casey, here’s for ten more years!

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