Sunday, November 8, 2015

Donald Trump/Sia (11.7.2015)

Okay, here’s my review. Like most of you, I had my reservations about this episode but fortunately (and even watching with extreme caution as I did) this episode defied most of them. Donald Trump performed exactly as I expected him to based on his 2004 appearance and barely played any roles that were different from Donald Trump. Thankfully, he let them refrain from making the show a 90 minute campaign spot and didn’t even try to make him appear likable or fun enough to be elected president. I think it’s safe to say at this point that SNL certainly didn’t do much to change peoples’ minds about Donald Trump (certainly not mine or yours if you happen to be reading this) but we may have to see how that plays out over the coming weeks as far as media coverage goes. Anyway, let’s get right to it.

MSNBC First In The South Democratic Candidates Forum - That cold open was pretty weak compared to the bulk of the previous shows debate sketch, but it was a decent way to ease us into what was to come. I did like Cecily’s “debate no one watches” line and the tight cuts to Kenan, Jay and Leslie. I also liked seeing Kates' Hillary again but the material felt a little down the beaten path for SNL. Thank God for Larry David. As expected, he was the only truly worthwhile part of this sketch. B-

Monologue – This was exactly as self-serving as expected (including Taran's walk on and Darrell's cameo) but Aidy, and again, Larry were the true highlights. C+

White House 2018 – This sketch was utterly pointless. It felt exactly like something Trump himself would've had a large hand in writing. I didn’t really see the point of having Trumps’ daughter cameo either. The big reveal I kept waiting for was pretty weak and just let this sketch end with a dull thump. D-

Bad Girls - This music video felt like a retread of the Brave sketch from Dakota Johnsons episode and the other female centric music videos from the past two years but it sure stood out in THIS episode. Kate, Aidy, Leslie sure stood out in a piece that would've died in any other episode. C+

Live Tweeting - This sketch actually turned out pretty funny and sure picked up when Kenan, Vanessa and Leslie entered the scene. The bare premise of the restaurant scene within the sketch felt exactly like a sketch MAD TV did 11 years ago, but I’m sure I’m just splitting hairs at this point. It was decent way for Trump to poke fun at his own boorish loudmouth image but it made me a little worried that this was the hardest they would be able to go after Trump. B-

Hotline Bing – Speaking of other things MAD TV would’ve been doing years ago, Hotline Bing jokes feel pretty dated after just two weeks but as much of a very, very very watered down Bart Baker/Key Of Awesome production this looked like it was a noble effort from the SNL cast. Martin Shorts' cameo as Ed Grimley made my entire night but Trumps appearance made me cringe. Thankfully, his cameo was all too brief near the end. B-

Update was a highlight. Thankfully Jose and Che were on point even if it took them a minute to get into their groove and had some pretty good material. Leslie's commentary wasn't great but her come-ons to Jost were funnier than usual. Also, I usually don't care that much for Drunk Uncle but his appearance in this episode was definitely clever and well placed. That had to be my favorite Drunk Uncle commentary ever. B+

Laser Harp - This sketch was quite odd. I chuckled at the first laser harp appearance as well as Becks manic bass playing but overall it felt like Anderlette tried to write a too subtle criticism of Trumps campaign that didn't quite land (at least I can HOPE that's what they were going for). C-

Mr. Crocker – This sketch was funny at first just for the sheer strangeness of it all. I chuckled at Becks autotuned singing, outbursts and hastily explaining his bad deal with a record guy but Trumps appearance almost ruined it for me. B-

Toots - Why was Kenan necessary to introduce Sias' second performance with Trump? F

Donald Tramp 2016 - I was wondering if there was a point to having the two former porn stars come back but it was a bit of a long walk to a somewhat satisfying ending. I did like Bobby's delightful strange conceptual character but I don't know what it says about SNL right now that he apparently has the best Trump impression in the cast. I also liked the lines about not having visited the White House since the '90s and Donalds' line at the end may be the only thing he did tonight that I can admit I was a fan of. I'll bet this was the one sketch they would've wanted him to cameo in had he not agreed to host. Also, I'm a bit surprised he agreed to do this given his comments about not alienating Iowa voters but I guess he figured it would be so late in the show that they would be asleep by now. B-

…and now for my updated season rankings.

1. Tracy Morgan/Demi Lovato
2. Donald Trump/Sia
3. Miley Cyrus
4. Amy Schumer/The Weeknd

Next week, Elizabeth Banks hosts for the first time. I would say this seems long overdue considering she has been in her share of Appatow comedies over the years but if it took the Hunger Games to get her on so be it. Hopefully, the writing doesn’t sink her but with the way this season has been going so far I wouldn’t be too worried.

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