Sunday, December 15, 2013

John Goodman/Kings Of Leon (12.14.2013)

Okay, here’s my review. As much as it bothers me to say it, this is probably one of the top 3 weakest shows of the season so far. This show felt as underwritten and creatively empty as last week’s show but less redeeming qualities and none of the same feel good vibes that came along with certain cameos. While it was nice to see Goodman again, his performances seemed really inconsistent. Some moments he seemed to be trying, some moments he didn’t. Still, I think they really just didn’t write enough for him and gave him a lot of forgettable roles. Good to see more of Kyle Mooney and John Milheiser tonight, even if it was also just in small bit parts. Let’s just get on with it.

Obama Cold Open - This had its moments. Jay's Obama impression is still very solid. I liked the Michelle/furious line. While I kinda saw where it was going immediately after they mentioned the sign language interpreter from Mandela's funeral, I still enjoyed it. Kenan managed to save it. I did like the web/thriller bits. Kates' Angela Merkel wasn't totally necessary, but it was a nice touch. C+

Monologue - This was a little disappointing. John had some good opening lines, but I was disappointed to see him doing a musical number with Kenan. Still, they managed to make it somewhat funny and it was at least better than another tired Blues Brothers number with Aykroyd. C+

Guy Fieri Christmas Special - This seems like a very dated premise and Bobby's impression is even starting to lose its comedic value. Still, I did like the Dog/Big Ang number with Goodman and McKinnon and Bobby as all the Pawn Star guys. Still, I wonder who Noel (or could that be Nassim?) was playing in the red hair and green sweater? C+

Snowflake Dance - This seemed like it was going to be another pointless meandering bit, but it got funnier as it went along and the cast got more committed to it. Aidy was particularly good in it and I liked her voice over about hitting a guy with her car. C+

Three Wise Guys - This seems like a sketch that we should've seen coming. It was far too long. Stallone and Deniro have no real comedic timing and some of their lines just bombed but just the novelty of seeing Stallone at first glance was enough to make me giggle once. I did like the gifts bits and the "Jesus Christ, what ethnicity is this kid" line. Other than that, this sketch had serious pacing problems and seems horribly underwritten. D-

Update was pretty hit or miss, but at least Cecily's delivery shows some signs of improvement. She's showing some ability to make some weaker jokes more tolerable. Kenan's Black Santa went nowhere, but I did like his Kwanzaa line at the end. Drunk Uncle was probably a highlight. I don't care much to see it anymore, but at least Bobby gave it his all here. Kudos to whoever called the Goodman Drunker Uncle cameo. This was probably his best performance of the night. C+

Lawsuit - This courtroom sketch honestly had to be the best sketch of the night for me. It was a weak premise, but the performances really saved it. Taran made me laugh my ass off for some reason and Kenan also got in a few good lines. I also liked Goodmans's cartoon wolf impression and Bennett's dancing. Too bad it probably won't get online because of that R. Kelly song. B+

Fireman Visit - This Nassim sketch from the Edward Norton show was probably the absolute last sketch I expected them to make recurring, but it wasn't terribly the first time. Nassim is performing well and Goodman and the rest of the cast are really adding to it (especially Bobby) but I still have two questions. First, did Milheiser accidentally miss one of his lines? Second, is anyone else being reminded of Nassim's Aziz Ansari impression...or the actual Aziz Ansari? B-

Hallmark Movie Marathons - This was nothing more than useless filler, but I did laugh at the Santana guitar solo joke. D-

Christmas Whistle - This sketch also went nowhere, but it had a decent ending. I did like how the whistle got more and more ridiculous sounding toward the end and kudos to Goodman for giving it his all. C-

H&M - This was probably the weakest taped piece of the season, but Jay's rapping was all right and I did like Goodman's outfit toward the end. That Wale cameo was totally useless, though. C-

Sheila Sovage III – This sketch was okay, but it's not as good as the Louis CK one. Still, it was better than the Vince Vaughn one. I did like the "66" line and the whipped cream/motorboat ending with Kenan's towel/headphone reaction shots. B-

Well, that was it. Now, time to update my rankings.

1. Kerry Washington/Eminem
2. Miley Cyrus
3. Lady Gaga
4. Bruce Willis/Katy Perry
5. Tina Fey/Arcade Fire
6. Paul Rudd/One Direction
7. Josh Hutcherson/Haim
8. John Goodman/Kings of Leon
9. Edward Norton/Janelle Monae

Next week, Jimmy Fallon returns to host with Justin Timberlake as musical guest. Now, this show I’m expecting good things from even if it does feel a little too soon for both of them. I’ve noticed that the last two seasons have been following a pattern of the premiere, the first episode of November and the Christmas show being among the seasons’ best. Let me show you…

2011/12: Premiere: Alec Baldwin/Radiohead, First November Show: Charlie Day/Maroon 5 Christmas Show: Fallon/Buble

2012/13: Premiere: Seth MacFarlane/Frank Ocean, First November Show: Louis CK/Fun Christmas Show: Short/McCartney

The Tina Fey/Arcade Fire show may be the exception that proves this rule, but the Kerry Wahsington/Eminem episode got pretty favorable reviews, so I think you get the idea. There’s no reason why next week’s show shouldn’t at least be decent. See you then!

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